Gal Arnon

Ph.D. Student
Computer Science, Weizmann Institute
gal.arnon [at]

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, where I am jointly advised by Moni Naor (Weizmann Institute) and Eylon Yogev (Bar-Ilan University). My interests are at the intersection between cryptography and theoretical computer science. I am especially interested in understanding the power and limitations of probabilistic proof systems.

I completed my master's degree at the Weizmann Institute in 2020 under the supervision of Guy Rothblum and my bachelor's degree in computer science and electrical engineering at Tel Aviv University in 2017.

My Curriculum Vitae can be found here.

Click here to listen to an interview Giacomo and I gave on ZK Podcast where where we discuss the STIR protocol.


  1. IOPs with Inverse Polynomial Soundness Error

    Gal Arnon, Alessandro Chiesa, and Eylon Yogev.

    FOCS 2023   and chosen for ITC 2024 highlights track

  2. Min-Entropic Optimality

    Gal Arnon and Tomer Grossman.



  • Esther Hellinger Memorial Prize for academic excellence. Awarded in 2024 by the Weizmann Institute.
  • Best Paper Award at CRYPTO 2024 for “STIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries”.

Workshop Organization
